Deborah Walker
Debra Walker serves as President of Sunnyside Community Redevelopment Organization. SCRO is a community-based 501 (c)3 Nonprofit Organization located in Sunnyside in District "D" The District of Destination. I also serve as President of TOP Ed Fund (C)3 Nonprofit Board where there is two females Co-Directors serving as shared leadership over this organization, an BCLI Inaugural Cohort member, FHNR Board of Directors 2021, negotiated for more money from HUD for Ike Disaster Recovery plan.
Served as East Sunnyside Court 3 Civic Club as President. I also serve as a member of A.P.R.I. Organization Fundraising for scholarships. SCRO has deployed five air quality monitor network systems in Sunnyside to protect, advocate, and empower for our community's health.

Vice President
Jo Ann Jones-Burbridge
Mrs. Jones-Burbridge brings more than 45 years of industry experience as a juvenile justice consultant, administrator, and practitioner. She worked at the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department for twenty-nine years and retired to become the Director of the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center at Prairie View A & M University for eleven years.
Before embarking on her professional path, Mrs. Jones-Burbridge pursued an education at Dillard University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in sociology and concluded her studies, graduating from Texas Southern University with a Master of Arts in guidance and counseling. She followed these accomplishments with a certificate in professional human resources from the Society for Human Resource Management.
Jo Ann’s passion for the residents in the community in which she lived with her family, motivated her to join the board and serves as vice-president of Sunnyside Community Redevelopment Organization. Mrs. Jones-Burbridge is a lector and member of the Health Ministry at the church her parents were founding members, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.

Claudette Edwards
Claudette Edwards is the Secretary of the Sunnyside Community Redevelopment Organization. Ms. Edwards has more than twenty years of community involvement as an executive, advocate, and volunteer. As CEO and Founder of Teeter Totter Village Child Development Center in Sunnyside, established in 1997, she administers childcare services to infants to 12 years of age and oversees an afterschool program.
Ms. Edwards is the founder and CEO of Texas SKIP (Supporting Kids of Incarcerated Parents). For more than ten years, she coordinated the Texas SKIP program with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice by providing classes with inmates, their children and the caregivers to reunite them in a safe and structured environment.

Dr. Price
Pastor Henry Price, II is a native Houstonian, born and raised in the heart of Third Ward. He was born at Negro General Hospital known today as Riverside General Hospital to Mr. & Mrs. Henry Price, I.
He attended Blackshear Elementary School, Ryan Junior High School and Jack Yates High School. Affectionately known to family and friends as J.P. or Junior Price, Rev. Price has loving accepted a new name, God’s servant.
Pastor Price enlisted in the United States Army where he received the first high call from God while standing in the gun inspection line. After being discharged, he returned to Houston. Upon his return, his notorious lifestyle granted him several infractions with the law and numerous brushes with death. However, God had a plan.